Wednesday, January 27, 2021

MAAT thEQblue V3


It's been a long journey in searching for that perfect EQ for mixing and mastering. Resulting a folder full of great and musical EQ, but there's still something lacking in term of perfection. The journey ends when I meet the lastest release from MAAT, theEQblue V3.

Even the earlier version sounding the most awesome already. Which is natural, since the product was born as a descendant of two greatest Mastering plugins: theEQorange and theEQred. Both are LinearPhase Parametric Equalizer (PEQ) which are dedicated for High-End Mastering and require more CPU. What if such quality of equalization is available for mixing? ThEQblue was born as a MinimumPhase PEQ, which is far less demanding, but with the similar High-End musical quality. That I can comfortably mix just using it as the only EQ for many years to come. It goes from surgical transparent to musical analog, which is perfect for what I'm looking for mixing and mastering.

Because it's like owning several different EQs with a great user interface! There are 12 Architectures available, from reversed engineering several legendary analog EQ circuitry, along with more modern to the more experimental type. Look for the video for a better view about it.

And if that's still not enough, the new released Version 3 brings FiDef digital audio process. A proprietary psychoacoustic process, developed in cooperation with neuroscientist and DSP experts, that activates a receptive listener's subconscious. It makes digital audio content more compelling and brings audiences closer to the emotion of the music.

But words in not enough to describe how amazing this new version is. Learn more detail about it on the Official website: Maat Digital
Available as VST2, VST3, AU and AAX
theEQblue12: $389
theEQblue6: $239
Upgrade thEQblue6 to theEQblue12: $189